Martin “Mathy” Matějka


Cameraman, video editor, designer, production

What I actually do in EP!C TV

Everything that can be done behind the camera (although I ocasionally sneak infront of it), I shoot, edit, grading sort-of-CGI-improving videos. I did this webpage, I comunicate on social media, writing articles and bitching to others to force them to get something done as well.

Something about me

I used to do alot of stuff. Starting with historical fencing end re-enactment from my fifteens, nowadays partially transformed into a cosplayer. I enjoyed extreme races like Spartan race and stuff.
From time to time I play with fire (you know – fireshow and stuff) and from time to time I enjoy to workout by myself or with my friends.
Also I like PC games. Particulary Assassin’s Creed has a special place in my heart.
But lately most of the time I spend making videos.

Born to be an IT guy, I started as a webdeveloper, but throughout the time I hate almost everything about this field so much, that I switched to a career of an indenpended audio-visual creator.
As a video ediotr and later as a cameraman as well I started to work for news server (check out my video!) and ocasionally for (video!).

Right now I’m working as a contractor for Česká televize’s ČT24 news, and I also work with Crew publishing on a comics magazine SMASH  for TV ÓČKO.

Last, but not least, I am lucky to be a husbant of a wonderful wife and a owner of a long-nosed dog :).



Co dělá mimo EP!C

HalfDead team Assassin’s Creed CZ/SK etnMathy